Firewood Donations from NACFOR
NACFOR accepts donation requests for logging truckloads of firewood for your organization’s fundraiser. See our Donations Program page to learn more about how you can request firewood, and which organizations are eligible.
Firewood Collection on Crown Land
Free Use Permit for Domestic Purposes Only:
Public collection of firewood on Crown land requires a permit, this includes the Nakusp and Area Community Forest tenure.
- Not to sell any firewood gathered on Crown land to another person.
- Cut only DEAD conifer trees (standing or down). Conifer trees that have been blown down or broken off, shall ONLY be cut for firewood if there are no green needles left on the tree(s). No cutting of deciduous trees is allowed under this permit.
- Cutting of any decked logs is PROHIBITED.
- Wildlife Values are to be recognized. No trees greater than 50 cm (approximately 20 inch) in diameter as measureed at stump height (30 cm from germination) shall be cut under this permit. Care shall also be taken to not cut, damage or remove trees showing signs of wildlife use. Watch especially for trees posted with a “Wildlife Tree” sign.
- It is the responsibility of the Permittee to ensure they are cutting ONLY on Crown land outside of municipality boundaries, and is not part of any Woodlot, active logging areas, research areas, recreation areas/ campsites.
General information about Firewood Permits can be found here.
To obtain a domestic use collection permit, visit the Selkirk District firewood permit form.
Commercial Firewood Permit information can be found here: Small Scale Salvage Program
Commercial Firewood Permits are for:
- Cutting firewood and selling it (Under Small Scale Salvage Permit)
Purchasing Firewood
June 2022 – Any logging truck loads of firewood that are generated as a result of NACFOR’s harvest operations will now be sold directly by the contracted logging company. If you would like contact information for local logging contractors, please call, visit or email the NACFOR office. Contact Us here.
If you are looking for cut and split firewood, we may be able to give you contact information for current sources, so feel free to contact our office – see our link above.