Who, what, where, when, and why of NACFOR
NACFOR is a BC corporation 100% owned by the Village of Nakusp, and governed by a volunteer board of directors. Its 25 year (replaceable) Community Forest Agreement with the BC government, licenses it to manage a forest land base of 9192 hectares and harvest an average of 20,000 cubic metres – about 500 truckloads of timber per year. Operations are carried out on a contract basis, primarily with local contractors. Cabin Resource Management of the Kootenays and Okanagan, is the managing contractor. NACFOR operates uniquely for the purpose of directing profits and other benefits to all communities within the Arrow Lakes region.
The Nakusp and Area Community Forest operates on the traditional lands of the Sinixt, Ktunaxa, Okanagan (Syilx) and Secwepemc nations. We aim to incorporate Indigenous perspectives and values in our shared respect for the diverse land base. We value building relationships with all Nations.