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Log Products and Manufacturing

NACFOR’s operating area features a classic Kootenay mix of harvestable products. With an Allowable Annual Cut of 20,000 cubic meters, NACFOR offers a wide species mix to potential wood buyers. The open market sale of all NACFOR’s products also presents manufacturers with excellent opportunities to either start or expand operations within the Nakusp area.

A general break down of NACFOR’s annual volume by species:

  • Douglas fir: 7,000 cubic meters
  • Western hemlock: 5,000 cubic meters
  • Western red cedar: 3,000 cubic meters
  • Western larch: 3,000 cubic meters
  • Other species (lodgepole pine, western white pine, interior spruce, sub-alpine fir, hardwoods): 2,000 cubic meters

Volume availability of each species will vary between cutting permits but NACFOR’s Kootenay mix timber profile usually will ensure representation of most species within each harvested area. Part of NACFOR’s mandate is to derive maximum value from each log it harvests. In order to achieve this objective, NACFOR actively promotes the sale of logs to specialty producers. The following is an example of some of the finished products that are well-matched to species and grades within NACFOR’s available timber supply.

To purchase products, contact NACFOR management.

Kootenay Boundary Small Forest Tenure Capacity Building Project

Scales and Log Yard Project