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Wildfire Risk Reduction

Since 2017, NACFOR has partnered with local, regional, and provincial governments to help reduce the risk of wildfires around our communities.

See the Nakusp Fuel Break map for more information about Wildfire Risk Reduction.

Visit the Treatments page for more information about Wildfire Risk Reduction projects.

RDCK FireSmart Program – FireSmart Rebate

The Provincial government mandate to support wildfire risk reduction has been accelerated due to increased interface fires over the past decade. Locally, NACFOR is taking a lead role in planning, coordinating, and facilitating wildfire risk reduction activities for Nakusp and the area.

The proposed fuel treatment units around rural Nakusp integrate treatment areas identified in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (2017) into a community-scale wildfire fuel break for the purpose of protecting values and infrastructure in the Wildland-Urban Interface and Village of Nakusp.

In collaboration with the RDCK, NACFOR used their CWPP to identify and address priority treatment areas and preliminary greater community-level fuel breaks into community-scale wildfire fuel breaks. The animation below details an overview of the NACFOR community-scale Wildfire Risk Reduction proposed treatment areas.

The RDCK Wildfire Risk Reduction Pilot Project will explore ways in which the fuel management treatments are conducted within the Regional district and how efficiencies, learning opportunities, collaboration, and harvesting operations can be improved to create an accepting atmosphere surrounding protecting communities from wildfire.