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BC Woodlots – Wildfire Risk Reduction on the Front Line

The Federation of BC Woodlot Associations has created an informational video about the importance of Wildfire Risk Reduction in BC woodlots. 80% of the BC woodlots are within a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) which means the land is close to urban areas such as communities and neighbourhoods.

Of the 840 woodlots in BC, 80% are within the WUI. Woodlots are on the front line of reducing the risk of a catastrophic fire in a community.

By using wildfire risk reduction techniques such as reducing crown density (the number of tree tops with in a forest), clearing ladder fuels (such as branches), and cleaning up ground fuels, the risk of a wildfire sweeping through for forest and being unmanageable is much less.

Watch the Federation of BC Woodlot Association‘s video on Youtube here: