This week, the NACFOR Board of Directors and management team recognized Paul Peterson and Aidan McLaren-Caux for their many years spent on the NACFOR board.
Paul Peterson, during his time as the RDCK Area K director sat on the NACFOR board and was an integral member advocating for Area K and that a portion of benefits be directed to the communities down the lake.
Aidan McLaren-Caux, starting as a NACFOR board director, transitioned to be the Village of Nakusp council representative. From 2018-2023, Aidan assisted with the growth of NACFOR by chairing many meetings and creating community partnerships.
Thank you both for your dedicated and hard work!
Plaques were presented to Aidan and Paul, made by local woodworker, Geoff Grout of Counter Intelligence. The image on the plaques is the Arrow Lakes and its tributaries.