July 9, 2021
For immediate release
Nakusp, BC – A lightning strike from an intense summer storm appeared to have started a rapidly spreading fire in a log pile at the NACFOR/MERCER log yard on July 8th at approximately 9:15 pm. Due to the rapid response, coordination of effort, and hard work of the Nakusp Volunteer Fire Department (18 members), emergency responders, numerous local contractors and their heavy equipment including excavators and water trucks, the fire was brought under control and extinguished early in the morning on July 9th. The crew worked diligently through the night to contain the blaze. Approximately 20 logging truck loads of logs were damaged or destroyed by the fire. The log yard will be monitored over the weekend including patrolling with a water truck and crew.
A heartfelt “Thank You” to all those involved with the incredible effort in extinguishing this fire. A great example of a community pulling together – your efforts are much appreciated.